Flamenco Diva Designs

The Eight Ruffle Swirl Skirt - $100

The Eight Ruffle Swirl Skirt is an original design.  This skirt has eight swirl sections with ruffles starting at the bottom of the hem and continuing up each seam.  This skirt is more than 1 and 1/4 circles over all in fullness.  The lower edge measures about 20 yards.  This is a very full skirt.  It features an uneven hem line and has elastic in the waist for a comfortable fit.  The ruffles are circular and have an amazing flow.  When you spin, the ruffles keep flowing even after you stop.  It will be custom tailored to your waist, hip and length measurements.

During checkout, there will be an opportunity to write in your three measurements.  Click here for instructions on gathering your measurements.

Fabric descriptions and color options are listed here.